
There is Radiation, Power use, Cost, and Distraction.

PracticeSafeTech habits can reduce those.

Prefer NON-wireless connections.
Provide CORD connections.
Request CORD connections.
Maximize DISTANCE between devices & persons.

More often POWER OFF wireless networks & personal devices.
RESPECT electricity, wires, environments & persons.

On this page...
to CLICKABLES: images, video & great links.

SHARE to help other people PRACTICE SAFE TECH.
Be in the world. ENJOY LOMO.
LOMO bumper sticker 1_thumbnail.jpg

click esmogFAQ

Did you PracticeSafeTech today? If you have not yet figured out how to connect NON-wirelessly, you can at least at bedtime (and other routine times when no one is using) do whatever combination of: power off, unplug electrical cords or switch off power bars or use timers, set Airplane mode to On, set wi-fi and bluetooth to Off. Pets and other animals are also affected by this type of radiation. Scroll down to see the clickable TOP 5+1 e-HYGIENE HABITS. Click here for TIPS from Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at University of California, Berkeley.



know your exposure

overload symptoms

if a parent is screen-addicted → Water Lily_Angela_tiny.jpg

be a PracticeSafeTech company → Water Lily_Angela_tiny.jpg


The content of the PracticeSafeTech.com website is provided for information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, no guarantees can be made. Information is subject to change without prior notice and can often be interpreted in many ways. Therefore, the website owner(s) and website manager(s) are not liable for damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this site or from sites linked to it. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the information on this site lies with the reader.

original date May 11, 2015
200+ Scientists from 40+ Countries
Signed The Appeal to the United Nations

3-minute video & see other documents below

Text and Signatories (listed by country, and pdfs in several languages)

Aspen Jacquet

Music Video: A Little Chat


 TELL TWO PEOPLE TO TELL TWO PEOPLE.  All your usual good sharing.

You will discover gems when you visit the clickable LINKS at the bottom of this page. Many VIDEOS (various lengths, clips, and documentary films) are available. There are BOOKS too. Simply email PracticeSafeTech-at-gmail-dot-com for suggestions. And any of those can be a great opportunity to do interactive Q&A with us.

For any size group, email PracticeSafeTech-at-gmail-dot-com and we can usually connect you with a range of enjoyable, informative SPEAKERS or PANELISTS who can join you live in person or remotely. You could request savvy youths, parents and teachers, respected researchers, tech and business professionals, pediatric and adult healthcare experts, and even an airline captain.

Fun and creative EVENTS and HANDOUTS at schools, workplaces, retailers, neighbourhood gatherings, and other public or private venues help raise "Practice Safe Tech" awareness. There are great handouts to match your needs, just ask. Here's one option for a fun event: Magician Chris Westfall can customize theme and content for any audience [and he is personally respectful of anyone's needs related to electromagnetic sensitivity].

Interact by email PracticeSafeTech-at-gmail-dot-com (use icon near top of this page) or tweet @PracticeSafeTek.

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